Howdy do! So, it's been a long time since my last blog and
the reasons for that are as varied and many as they are boring and tedious but
the short answer is that I didn't have much access to the internet...I mean, I
had it on my phone, but my phone is an ancient piece of shit (well, no, that's
not fair, it's a good little phone for, you know, actually phoning
people...i.e. the actual reason for which it was created...) that hates these
new-fangled, devil-ridden inventions such as the internet and Bluetooth and
mp3s, sure, it can use them, sometimes, if I really force it to, but for the
most part the thing just leers at me if I come at it with the request to check
my email....
Anywho, that's by-the-by, so what will I be talking about
today?! Well, it's me so you know that I'm going to be talking about one of
three things, my love of video games, university/education in general or tales
of my childhood with philosophical ramblings interjected haphazardly into the
main take a guess! Are you taking a guess? If you guess rightly
you'll win a small pot of jam (you even get to pick which flavour!) and an all
expenses paid trip to the Moon! (*winning participants must be able to supply
their own pot for the jam to go in, their own spacesuit and breathing apparatus
and there is no cash alternative available, entrants must be over 18 and have
blue eyes (today) or brown eyes (tomorrow) to enter).
Did you guess rightly? Did you?! DID YOU?! Well, if you did,
or didn't, or didn't even attempt to, here is the answer! All of the above!
Hah, that wasn't even an option, no prizes for you! (Please don't report me to
the games commission or whatever it's called, I can't go back to prison again
for the first time! I am a sweet and delicate thing, I wouldn't last a day
without snapping and burning the place down...)
See, it's very nearly's date, if you are
unaware (or are reading this in the future, or the past! Which I tell you would
be some trick indeed!) is the third of September....which means that I move out
of my house in four days course induction is now under a week
away...It's all getting rather real and that's making me quite nervous. It's
very strange, because this has been my dream for, well... basically...ever...certainly
as long as I can remember and I can remember very long into the past indeed
(well, possibly, probably, hopefully...though how would I know if I'd forgotten
things entirely....makes one think, certainly) and now that it's basically
here...I'm'm very nervous about it all. I mean, because
of one reason and the others I'm getting into this game quite late, and I'd
like to blame other people for it, but really it's all been down to me. I think
I've talked about it before, that a person can't choose what happens to them,
but they can choose how they react and that I reacted poorly, and I did!
There's a sense of relief that this point is finally here, it feels like I've
finally clawed my way up to where I should have been six/seven years ago if I
hadn't just let go of wanting, well, anything but drinking and playing video
games really....and you know, that sounds fun as shit, and it is! Up to a
point...It's depressing, just brutally mind numbing and when you get to that
state because of depression in the first place, it is just a crushing
existence. There's little point in getting out of bed, hell, there's little
point in going to bed in the first place, so your sleeping pattern gets all out
of whack, which just depresses you further! (Look it up, I think it's seratonin
or something, lack of sleep causes lack of it, lack of it causes depression) It
really is just this vicious cycle.
It's a really weird thing though, depression, because it is
also a crutch, it's a reason to not try and improve, a sort of "oh, why bother"
mentality and before you jump on my back and start screaming like some demented
howler monkey that that's not is. I'm not saying that everyone
suffering from it is like that, because they're not, they genuinely do have
chemical imbalances in their brain that stop them from being able to enjoy life
or look forward with any kind of optimism, I've known and continue to know
people who fall into that category...which makes me annoyed when people play
off it. You know, the lazy bastards who just don't want to work so they pretend
to be depressed to commit benefit fraud, who use it as an excuse to avoid
looking for work, to get out of having responsibilities. But mostly, I hate it
because it harms people who have the actual illness, who need the actual help.
Think about it, if a hypothetical drug was developed that cured depression and
was given to people who weren't depressed but who were fleecing the system for
money, even if it makes them as happy as balls they would still report
themselves as depressed even though the drugs ostensibly "worked" and
the pharmaceutical companies go back to the drawing board...though they're not
too arsed about it, because hey, more money for them in developing new
treatments right? But yeah, it's not just drugs, it's care workers and social
workers, the people who look after these "depressed" people, if their
techniques don't "work" on them, they have to adapt them
unnecessarily, time and again. It's not just depression that people do this on
though, don't think I'm ragging just on them, it's everything where people
aren't really a part of the thing but use it to further their own means to the
detriment of the people who are really trying to deal with it. Like the looters
who "join in" with the riots that happened all over the UK a couple
of years ago after the Duggan shooting. The cause, the movement didn't matter
to them, they weren't looking to improve the world, people weren't talking
about the social change that should have happened after it thanks to them, they
were talking about how it was terrible that these riots happened at all. People
forget that the first "riot" was actually a peaceful protest wanting
an explanation for the shooting. Like the depression thing, it becomes curing
"symptoms" that don't exist in the actual condition.
I'm not sure how this became so serious so fast, and I feel
kind of bad about that, so, some levity to finish for you all....a horse walks
into a bar and the barman says "why the long face?" and the horse
says "my wife just died in childbirth...the foal died as
well"....waaaaait, that's not light hearted at all! Well, I tried! Lord
help me but I tried! *puts jet pack on* now, goodbye! *jetpacks away*
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